Presentations and Publications


Our educators offer both in-person and Zoom presentations on the following topics:

To request a speaker on one of the topics listed above, please complete this short form or email your request to [email protected].


Our office offers a variety of publications for free to Arkansas residents. Publications can be picked up from our office or mailed to the recipient.

The following publications are available for request:

The following publications are available in electronic PDF format only.

To request any of the publications listed above, please email our office at [email protected]. We will require the name of the publication(s) requested, the quantity requested, the mailing address, and the date the publications are needed. Please note that some large quantity publication requests may not be able to be fulfilled immediately.

Helpful Publications

The Federal Trade Commission website offers free publications about scams, privacy, identity theft, internet safety, and more. They are available to download and print, or order in bulk. Shipping is free.