The Arkansas Attorney General’s office fights Medicaid fraud by investigating and prosecuting violations of State and federal law involving Medicaid providers and the abuse or neglect of nursing home residents.
Medicaid fraud occurs when providers use the Medicaid program to obtain money in which they are not entitled.
Providers who are convicted of Medicaid fraud may lose their eligibility to be a provider in the Arkansas Medicaid program and may have their professional licenses revoked. Convictions may also carry prison terms and large fines.
The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit accepts complaints regarding Medicaid fraud and abuse and neglect. A report can be filed here. All complaints are confidential.
The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit also monitors and takes action regarding the abuse or neglect that a Medicaid recipient may suffer in long-term health care facilities. There are times that Medicaid residents, especially the elderly, are physically and sexually abused or neglected by health care workers. Physical abuse or neglect includes anything from striking to sexually assaulting a resident, to withholding necessary and adequate food, physical care or medical attention. Financial abuse includes the misuse of a resident’s trust funds to pay for nursing home services already being paid for by the Medicaid program or for uses of a resident’s funds not authorized by the resident or the resident’s guardian, trustee or administrator.
Social Security Disability Fraud
The Arkansas Cooperative Disability Investigations (CDI) Unit was launched in August 2015 to fight Social Security disability fraud across the state. CDI is a joint effort among federal and state agencies to effectively pool resources for the purpose of preventing fraud in the disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration and related programs.
Arkansas ranks in the top five among states with the highest number of Social Security Disability beneficiaries.